Green architecture is the prevalent trend in the field of architecture but it is not a fad or mere fashion statement. Fast depleting natural resources and global warming are grave concerns for the world community; minimizing our energy usage and waste creation is the need of the hour. Since buildings…
A friend was in a real mood to show affection for his architect pals during a recent party. “You architects, you are really cute people”, he said. Everybody around got interested in an instant. “You are fond of creating new trends and give them such attractive names- green architecture, sustainable…
Human nature is resistant to change; we just do not want to move out of our comfort zone even if it could open up a whole new world of possibilities to us. Green architecture was considered a fad, a fashion statement for long; people were just not ready to accept…
One often wonders what green architecture really is all about and why almost every drawing-room conversation invariably ends up discussing the necessity of making our buildings green. Well, going green is really about making our buildings energy-efficient and eco-friendly, it’s about living in tune with our immediate environment. The next…
B.V. Doshi: Shaping the discourse of architecture in India: A true legend! His work in architecture to affect humanity is deeply personal, responsive and meaningful. He has been instrumental in shaping the discourse of architecture throughout…
Understanding Green Architecture Recently an enthusiastic client asked our design team to paint his building with shades of green.”So Mr. Sagar, green is your favorite color?”, asked Satish, our creative architect. Mr. Sagar looked rather surprised by this question. “Not quite, I do like green but it’s not my favorite…