Understanding Green Architecture

Recently an enthusiastic client asked our design team to paint his building with shades of green.”So Mr. Sagar, green is your favorite color?”, asked Satish, our creative architect. Mr. Sagar looked rather surprised by this question. “Not quite, I do like green but it’s not my favorite by any means” was his reply. It was Satish’s turn to be surprised now.

Mr. Sagar was amused by the question and the reaction his answer elicited from our design team. He asked quite shyly, “Well, I was told by many friends that green architecture is the in-thing today. Haven’t you heard about it?

“Of course we have sir”, Satish replied promptly and went on to explain the real concept of “Green architecture”. In our weekly discussions, our design team came up with this idea of writing a few short but informative blog posts explaining the concepts and intricacies of green architecture and the work being done around the globe to make more buildings “green”.


So, we shall be introducing the concept of green architecture and tell you how it all began in our series of posts on the topic. We shall discuss the necessity of making your buildings green- your houses, your offices and factories, your schools and shopping malls, and even the airports and railway stations and so on. We shall introduce the common and not so common techniques and technologies being used in green architecture and tell you about the ratings and rating agencies for green buildings.

Fundamental Sustainable Practices in Buildings

Your questions and queries are welcome. We shall try answering your questions, satiating your hunger for knowledge and discussing solutions to your problems. Let us embark on this exciting journey, let us know our options for saving our environment and our world from disaster.





Sandeep Singh is an architect from IIT Roorkee.

Ten years after graduating, he lost his vision to genetic Diabetes.

He reinvented his career and turned writer.

He has authored two fiction books and writes blogs on

Architecture, Outsourcing, Safety and a variety of other

subjects for different organizations. He also chairs and runs two NGOs